"No matter the weather outside, I will keep warm and love in my heart"

As if adjusting to your new classes and campus is not challenging enough, the freezing temperatures has made it even more difficult to bare for college students. While many campuses have chosen to stick with in-person classes, some adopted into remote learning. Regardless of the mode of instructions, it is still hard to escape the risk of getting ill in this weather.
Here are some tips to help you stay warm and healthy in this icy weather.
Exercising helps to keep your body warm as it encourages more blood to be pumped and circulate around your body. This also explains the rapid heart rate after you completed your exercises which keeps your body warm. As college students, simple and consistent exercises is sufficient. Here are some of the fitness routines you can do:
Jumping Jacks
Skipping/Jump Rope
If you prefer to workout in your dorm room or apartment, here are some Youtube videos that you can follow through.
Healthy Eating Habits
It can be difficult to eat healthy on a college campus but you can try to set a habit to reduce or add certain types of food when you are dining on campus. For example, you can have salad once every week but you have to not drink soda once as well. You can also eat at a certain time for each meal.

Take Mental Breaks
Have you heard of the seasonal depression? It is also known as the Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression is a form of depression that occurs during the winter.
According to Mayo Clinic, 44% of college students experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder.
If you are unsure about this disorder, here are some of the common signs.
Difficulty Focusing
It can sound scary but there are many ways to combat seasonal depression.

Check in with your family and friends
You can always text or call your families during your free time or call a friend to hang out around campus.
Do something you like
You might have hobbies that you enjoy doing and now is the time to work on a new project.
Get cozy and relax
During your leisure time, you can take a nap or do things that you find relaxing. Maybe you can go for a walk or get hot cocoa if that helps relaxes yourself.
Although the cold weather will not last forever, it is still essential to prioritize your health. If you ever need assistance for sickness on campus:
Check on our campus clinic for medical assistance
Check out for available pharmacies for medicines and prescription
Look for local clinics and hospitals for serious medical conditions or medication